Department of psychiatry


A wide variety of emotional and mental problems is referred to as mental illness. Many people experience mental health issues and psychiatric problems on a regular basis. When some persistent symptoms and indicators lead to regular stress that impairs a person's capacity to function, a mental health concern can turn into a mental disease. Mental illness makes people unhappy and can cause problems in their daily lives, such as at job, school, or in their relationships. Mental health issues can usually be addressed with a mix of talk therapy and medication.

Mental Illness Symptoms

Depending on the diagnosis, circumstances, and other factors, the signs and symptoms of mental illness might vary. Symptoms of mental illness can alter one's thoughts, emotions, and behaviour. The following are the most obvious indications and symptoms:

  • Inability to concentrate or muddled thinking
  • Are you unhappy or depressed?
  • Withdrawal from friends, family, and activities Excessive anxieties or worries, or intense emotions of guilt
  • Mood swings that are extreme highs and lows
  • Inability to deal with everyday problems or stress
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Significant exhaustion, a lack of energy, or difficulty sleeping
  • Detachment from reality, paranoia, or hallucinations are all symptoms of detachment from reality.
  • Suicidal ideation
  • Having difficulty comprehending and responding to situations and people
  • Sex motivation shifts
  • Significant alterations in eating habits
  • Anger, wrath, or violence in excess
  • Abuse of alcohol or other drugs


Feeling sad, unhappy, wretched, or down in the dumps can all be symptoms of depression. It's commonly associated with a mood condition in which feelings of grief, loss, anger, or frustration disrupt daily living for weeks or more. Irritation, restlessness, thoughts of hopelessness, sleeping difficulties, and other symptoms are common.


Schizophrenia is a mental illness in which it is difficult to distinguish between what is real and what is not. It makes it harder for a person to think clearly as well.

Tourette's Syndrome

Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder that causes people to make uncontrollable, repetitive movements or sounds. Tics are the movements or sounds that these people make. Although ourette's disease is no longer considered a rare ailment, it is not always appropriately diagnosed because most cases are minor, and the intensity of tics for most children lessens as they enter puberty.

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